.tmux.conf file to make tmux behave a bit like screen. Note: keybind to detach is ^A^D, unlike screen which is ^AD

#$Id: screen-keys.conf,v 1.2 2009/01/16 20:04:54 nicm Exp $
#This configuration file binds many of the common GNU screen key bindings to
#appropriate tmux key bindings. Note that for some key bindings there is no
#tmux analogue and also that this set omits binding some commands available in
#tmux but not in screen.

set-option -g status-bg blue
set-option -g status-fg cyan
set-option -g status-interval 0
set-option -g set-titles on
set-option -g status-right-length 0

###Unbind existing tmux key bindings (except 0-9).
unbind '"'
unbind '#'
unbind &
unbind ,
unbind -
unbind :
unbind =
unbind ?
unbind [
unbind '\'
unbind ]
unbind c
unbind d
unbind l
unbind n
unbind o
unbind p
unbind r
unbind s
unbind t
unbind w
unbind x

unbind Up
unbind Down
unbind M-Up
unbind M-Down
unbind C-Up
unbind C-Down

unbind C-b

###Set the prefix to ^A.
set -g prefix ^A

###Bind appropriate commands similar to screen.
#removebuf = 

#clear C 

#lockscreen ^X x 
bind ^X lock-server
bind x lock-server

#reset Z 

#colon :
bind : command-prompt

#log H 

#screen ^C c 
bind ^C new-window
bind c new-window

#copy ^[ [ 
bind ^[ copy-mode
bind [ copy-mode

#login L 

#select '
bind "'" select-prompt

#detach ^D d
bind ^D detach

#meta a 
bind a send-prefix

#silence _ 

#digraph ^V 

#monitor M 

#split S

#displays * 
bind * list-clients

#next ^@ ^N sp n 
bind ^@ next-window
bind ^N next-window
bind " " next-window
bind n next-window

#suspend ^Z z 

#dumptermcap .

#number N 

#time ^T t

#fit F

#only Q

#title A
bind A command-prompt "rename-window %%"

#flow ^F f

#other ^A
bind ^A last-window

#vbell ^G 

#focus ^I 

#pow_break B 

#version v 
bind v server-info

#hardcopy h

#pow_detach D

#width W 

#help ? 
bind ? list-keys

#prev ^H ^P p ^? 
bind ^H previous-window
bind ^P previous-window
bind p previous-window
#XXX bind ^? previous-window

#windows ^W w 
bind ^W list-windows
bind w list-windows

#history { }

#quit \ 
bind \ kill-server

#wrap ^R r

#info i 

#readbuf < 

#writebuf > 

#kill K k 
bind K kill-window
bind k kill-window

#redisplay ^L l 
bind ^L refresh-client
bind l refresh-client

#xoff ^S s 

#lastmsg ^M m 

#remove X 

#xon ^Q q

#select -

#paste ] ^]
bind ] paste-buffer
bind ^] paste-buffer

#split -v |
bind | split-window

#:kB: focus up
bind Tab down-pane
bind BTab up-pane

#" windowlist -b
bind '"' choose-window